D&D Therapy Memberships
Prices listed are for private pay clients. We do not take private insurance at this time, but we can provide superbills to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement. All services are provided by a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. We will soon be accepting MediCal, Partnership Health Plan of California, and Regional Center clients - if you receive mental or behavior health services through any of these programs, please contact us and include that information in your message.
Prior to starting game sessions, players and/or their caretakers will have a 1 hour meeting with our therapist and storyteller in which we will establish therapeutic goals. Players will also have a 30 minute session during which they will create their custom D&D character.

D&D Group Therapy Membership
$475/month plus $50 Initial Consult Fee for new members
For youth and adults who want to play therapeutic D&D and don't need additional 1:1 support.
Includes the following each month:
3 D&D Group Sessions
(1 hr 30 min) - includes snacks -
1 private consultation with therapist and client and/or caregivers (15 min)
1 private game reflection session with Storyteller/DM via phone, video, or text (15 min)

Therapeutic Support Membership for Kids
$650/month plus $50 Initial Consult Fee for new members
D&D therapy sessions plus additional one on one therapeutic support services for youth and their caretakers.
Includes the following each month:
3 D&D Group Sessions
(1 hr 30 min) - includes snacks -
1 private in-depth reflection session with Storyteller via phone or video (30 min)
1 parent consultation session or individual client therapy session with therapist via phone or video (1 hr)

Therapeutic Support Membership for Adults
$600/month plus $50 Initial Consult Fee for new members
D&D therapy sessions plus additional private therapy sessions for adults who are seeking additional support.
Includes the following each month:
3 D&D Group Sessions
(1 hr 30 min) - includes snacks -
1 private in-depth reflection session with Storyteller via phone or video (30 min)
​1 private therapy session with therapist via phone or video (1 hr)
Sign up for a membership
Fill out the form below and we'll contact you to set up your membership